Architectural Design Principles are the First Step

Optigy and our partners offer conceptual new home design services as well as custom design for alterations and additions to existing homes.

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Aiming For Optimal Comfort and Energy Usage

Optigy incorporates design principles for optimising thermal comfort and energy use. The site location, orientation and other site parameters are taken into consideration with new home design concepts. Alterations and additions must also consider how to deal with the existing structure, layout and construction.

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Design and Construction Choice

Beyond concept design, you can choose to continue with Optigy, or take your concepts to your own builders and specifiers for detailed design and approvals. With us, it is about collaboration. We want you to get the best out of our services and achieve your zero carbon goal.

An image of a large house.
An image of a large Optigy T.

New or Existing Homes

We cater to both new and existing homes. New homes today are required to meet a minimum standard of energy efficiency. Alterations and additions to existing homes often have the greatest potential to reduce their household carbon emissions.

Existing Homes: We can work around or modify your current structure and upgrade both the aesthetics and thermal performance of your home.

New Homes: We have the opportunity with new homes to get the fundamental design principles right from the start such as home orientation, layout and zoning for a specific site. Optigy, together with our partners, can offer you design and construction so that your design intentions are not diluted or lost during the approvals and constructions process.

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For more on home design ideas and consultations, call
0450 678 444